Historic Building Conservation Consultants
Rock Davidson Historic Building Conservation Consultants, based in Malvern Worcestershire, who have 30 years of experience and interest in the arts, architectural history, social history, education, genealogy and building conservation. RDA partners are both full members of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation [IHBC] and the IHBC accredited historic environment service provider {HESPR} scheme
Home Owners/Planning Consultants
RDA is a consultancy providing a variety of professional and independent reports for listed buildings/ buildings in conservation areas, Planning Appraisals. Such as Heritage Assessments, Statements of Heritage Significance reports, Conservation Statements, Heritage Impact Assessments, Conservation Management Plans. Energy Efficiency Advisory reports. We also offer an ‘Expert Call Out Advisory Service’Also available Pre purchase reports for listed buildings/ buildings in conservation areas, such as ‘Home Buyers’ Heritage /Planning Appraisals.
Architects; we can be commissioned for reports for your RIBA Stages 0-1 Conservation Strategy: such as Site Appraisals, Building Condition, Heritage Significance and repairs for Heritage Projects.
Retrofit co-ordinators; we can be commissioned following BS7913 for heritage statements, assessments of significance for retrofit projects for protected buildings. As heritage professionals we have greater understanding than most in Retrofit and Energy Efficiency having the Level 3 Award in Energy Efficiency Measures for Old and Traditional Buildings.
Planning Conditions
We undertake archaeological investigation and recording of standing buildings or structures often required as a planning condition. We are recognised contractors on the ADS library, our work is validated by archaeological officers and historic environment records [HERs] and Historic England.
To become a full member of the IHBC there is a strict rigorous process of conservation and knowledge of historic buildings competences to fulfil, professional, evaluation, management and intervention, knowledge and experience is needed to fulfil the requirements of accredited membership allowing the use of letters after your name.
We have Professional Indemnity and Liability Insurance
Serving the Counties of Worcestershire, Herefordshire, Gloucestershire and The Cotswolds, Warwickshire and North Oxfordshire
Latest News
April/May 2024
Conservation and Assessment of Historic Bridge at Bevere Worcester
Current condition assessment/archive research/ recommendations
September 2023
RDA wrote for both the Heritage Assessments/ Statements of Significance and Impact Assessment
Crown Inn Lea Herefordshire
Ancient interior. Hidden and not previously recorded
OSTRICH INN Newland Forest of Dean
July 2023
Successful Application for an extension to Listed Thatched Cottage RDA wrote Assessment for. Archive Research helped for this extension.
Application Approved for Orangery in AONB for Victorian Villa. RDA wrote the reports
Feb 2023
APPROVAL for x2 smaller projects RDA wrote heritage assessments and Impact Assessments for. Both removing Upvc Conservatories and enhancing with small extensions. One in an AONB the other in a Conservation Area.
August 2020
Pleased to have been commissioned in May 2020 Built Heritage Assessment for Tudor House Museum 38-42 Friar Street in Worcester. Document and assessment now complete. Fascinating building to analyse, hope the 185 page report will help the conservation and interpretation of the site
April 2020
Check out our more recent projects on the Ads Library Archives. Not all our reports go on archives but here are a few now added from 2019.